Tuesday, April 14, 2009

music and news

Just an update: within the next week, you will be able to see my new movie. It is different from my others and so far I enjoy it. I am still in the process of finishing up the final touches in the film. It can be tricky. The soundtrack for this short feature will be different than what I usually do also. It may have the same feel better there is a difference than what I have already done in the past. That is the update for now. Keep the eyes peeled to see it.

also music:
I have noticed this year, that a lot of female singers have been producing wonderful music. I have not been impressed with a lot of the female vocalists in the early 2000's but recently there has been so good ones as of late.
Check out these singers:
Rosi Golan
Lisa Hannigan
Tracy Chapman (not new but her new stuff is good too)

so go check them out. and the male artists need to get there act together. I feel there has been some disappointing albums this year. (cough cough Andrew Bird, the fray and u2)


Claire said...

just an update, within the next week or two, you are going to have a wife!!!!

free adult said...

I really liked the theme of a site design, or something very pleasant good day was wonderful