Wednesday, August 5, 2009

breathing and enjoying the color blue

it seems the only time i sit down and write. is when i can't sleep. i woke up this morning thinking it was six am and when i looked at the clock it was two am. I got a few more hours of sleep but woke up around five wide awake. the sun has not risen yet, and outside you can hear the stirring of the day beginning.
i need some music to listen too. however, i need something that sets the mode of the morning. i put on some joshua james (pitchfork and crash this train) and begin to unfold the expectations of the day. it is somewhat typical. shower, driving my car, interacting with people, being nice to my bosses, missing my wife, driving some more, helping others plan out their future, make a few jokes, return home, dinner, a little fun evening fun and then bed.
while laying in bed, i thought about life. i thought about all the choices that i have made. how they collide with other choices. i recall old road trips, hard choices, concerts, friends from the past, family, death, moments that always make me smile, awful music and many more. thinking over all of these moments, i see how Christ has shown up.
i have nothing really profound to say, but merely that i see it occurring. i think sometimes God awakens me in the morning to make me ponder over and over about life. to take a moment and realize that i am alive. breathing and enjoying the color blue.