Sunday, December 19, 2010


It is somewhat late this evening, I am still awake by the Christmas tree that is lightly dimming our family room. I am listening to the beautiful and emotionally charged score from LOST by Michael Giacchino. Pondering over the year and thinking about all the twists and changes that 2010 brought.

Six months after the final episode of LOST: I continue to miss it. I have thought about the message of LOST (which was nice put in the NBC's Christmas episode of Community) and how that should play out in my own life. I feel 2011 will bring a time for me to rewatch LOST, to open the chapters again and begin to read about the journey of some friends, an island and how to live life.

I am sad that there are no more episodes to look forward too or even people around me to continue the discussion of that actual meaning of the LOST. I am sadden by this.

However, there is a little hope for something new. Despite it being a comedy, or not hitting as strong as emotional chord, or even story of life. The show, Community is turning into something I like. It has the same message as LOST in the long run.

"Who is in our lives, Who is willing to live life with us, shape and in pack our lives."

Maybe LOST was time for me to learn, to think, to wonder, to hurt and to feel.
Maybe Community is a time for me to laugh, to look around, to enjoy and celebrate that community.

I probably do not make much sense which is okay. I have been thinking about how we should live our lives. How community is something that helps us no matter what situation we are in or who we are dealing with. The people we have community with is who allows us to show love, show grace, so peace, so everything that we are called to be.

I am looking forward to more community with people. Living lives together and growing together.