George Lucas is slowly killing my childhood with each film he produces or directs after 1998. I enjoyed the story telling of his galaxy adventures but felt it was to glossy. Then came a glimmer of hope with a new Indiana Jones film with influence from others (Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg) and again I felt let down. I blamed Spielberg and Lucas for distorting my view of a world traveling, historian adventurer with crooked smile. However, I feel like I should apologize to Steven Spielberg. This is from an article on "TimesOnline". This is a quote from George Lucas about making another Indiana Jones:
“If I can come up with another idea that they like, we’ll do another. Really, with the last one, Steven wasn’t that enthusiastic. I was trying to persuade him. But now Steve is more amenable to doing another one. Yet we still have the issues about the direction we’d like to take. I’m in the future; Steven’s in the past. He’s trying to drag it back to the way they were, I’m trying to push it to a whole different place. So, still we have a sort of tension. This recent one came out of that. It’s kind of a hybrid of our own two ideas, so we’ll see where we are able to take the next one.”I apologize to Steven because he got it. He understood that people like the past and the memories that they had with a character. People do not want characters to be reinvented or placed out of context (aliens and spaceships wft?). It is like sticking Chewbacca in Lord of the Rings or him paling around with Falkor the Luck dragon. Just take a second and imagine Chewbecca riding Falkor ( I bet Lucas thought of this idea and wanted it for his ending credits for the Attack of the Clones).
What I am trying to say here is this. George Lucas continues to play the card that he is the creator of this amazing mythology of characters in these stories and he can do whatever he wants because of this. (This may go against my philosophy about art and what I like to encourage with what I am about to say next) George Lucas stop making films. Stop trying to recreate something that does not need to be reinvented or the 2.0 version. I feel all of Lucas's pal sit around and continue to say yes to him because he created this over 20 something years ago and made millions off of it. Honestly, I love the originals and I could possibly have liked the loved the new ones (because I collect memories in dvd form, i own all of them. I probably haven't watch the 3 new ones since I bought them) but Lucas got in the way. Hence, slowly killing my childhood and all the adventures in my life with these characters. I guess people in the late 70's and early 80's could have seen this coming when George Lucas allowed a "Star Wars Christmas Special". After discovering this gem, I realized that this is all George's fault. He did not direct Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi or any Indiana Jones films. However, when he is involved greatly, he finds a way to make it look like Chewbacca riding Falkor the Luck dragon. If you have never seen or heard of about this. Check out the video below. Watch the whole thing and you will see how bad it is.
"Happy Life Day Everyone!"
Doesn't that article make you upset. That there was hope of making something better and realizing that its own director had to bend a lot and still was not thrilled about the script. It made me sad to read this article which inspired me to write about how I feel about George Lucas slowly killing my Childhood, one movie at a time.
Update: I may have spoken to soon about Mr. Spielberg. I read another article today from New York Times about how "Hollywood is Losing Spielberg". I was curious on what this article had to say about this director who everyone loved and adored. However, according to this report it seems like Spielberg is interested in one thing (money) which explains why he caved in making a flashy Indiana Jones movie. "The pending deal with Reliance underscores some realities about Mr. Spielberg — mainly that he has become so expensive that few public companies can afford him. Mr. Spielberg’s standard deal, on par with other blue-chip talent, is 20 percent of a movie’s gross from the first ticket sold, although he agreed to a somewhat less aggressive paycheck on the latest “Indiana Jones” installment to offset its high budget." The article continues to share how no one can work with him because he cost to much. My question is this. How much is to much? He has unlimited resources and millions of scripts. I know, I am contradicting what I said above. But Spielberg what happened to your art and passion? When did money become the sole reason for making movies.
It is sad to see people who created such amazing stories and engaging characters that shaped our culture and words. "But there was still an element of shock: Hollywood could not come up with a rich enough deal for Mr. Spielberg, the most bankable director in the business". I guess, the passion is gone.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Chewbacca Riding Falkor the Luckdragon
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday Morning Coffee Shop
I will admit that I really enjoying going to a coffee shop ( hoping that there is barely anyone there) and sitting down and being grateful for the atmosphere. Currently, I am sitting in a comfortable chair, surround by soft conversations and relevant music to my life (alter -rock, americana style, I like it). It is a good feeling to have when you come into a shop, grab your cup of Joe and find your little spot in the bleak walls. I find that at first, i have to get a little bit comfortable but then that spot turns into a your home for a mere 1 or 2 hours. I also get thrilled when I am browsing the internet or pretending to read a book when I hear a favorite artist on the coffee shop loud speakers. "Ah, its Glen Phillips and just before him they played a Counting Crows song that was never a radio single". Its so refreshing to hear music that way. I think that is why radio is not dead yet and why mixed tapes (cd's whatever you want to call them) are so wonderful.
There are two moments in listening to music that I just adore. 1) The first time you hear a song. The moment you hear them sing into the bridge or chorus and it just stops you in your tracks. It is amazing, how many times that has happened to me. Sometimes it is just hits me the moment I am in ( later I go look up the song and it just doesn't fit anymore) and everything seems perfect for that song. Lately, I haven't really had any moments like that. Sad follows it.
2) It is the moments in the grocery store or coffeeshops or at a friends house. You hear a song that you haven't heard in forever or just wasn't expecting it. That amazing part about this phenomenon is that the song always sounds refreshing to me when you hear it out of context. I listen to cd's (yes I still buy them. Mainly because when the big crash occurs, with all computers, I will have a back up of all my tunes to help me get through the day when computers take over) multiple times and I get so used to the order of the album that it starts to get stale to me. So when you put together a mix and you change up the position and surround that song around other great songs. It just feels right. Or when your not expecting it, it just makes the song so much sweeter.
These are my thoughts while sitting in a coffee shop this morning. I taking in a nice Tom Waits song ( it took be a little to get passed the scratchy and bit off tune tones of his voice) and enjoying my 16oz cup of coffee with vanilla in it, two sugars and cream.
Above is a picture of me at a coffee shop...
p.s. I wonder this: I know when I go to church and I notice that someone is waiting the same thing I am. I feel strange. Like if we are wearing the same green shirt and etc. So I just witnessed two girls meeting each other for the first time 1) a coffee maker and 2) coffee taker. Strange thing is, that they have the same exact hair cut. Is it weird for them to see each other? Is it the same feeling as when I see the same person wear the same green shirt? I think for guys, it is easy beacuse we have at least three different cuts. Short, semi short or long hair. Oh us people in the blue world, how we want to be the only one...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
From my Brother?
I was searching around on my computer and found some fun clips from my family. However, I feel like this is a great "Mothers Day" Video that was never seen. I feel like my brother spent so much time, putting this together. That I felt like I should share it with who reads my blog ( so like four people). Enjoy.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Hour of the Wolf
Night time is the time when the blinds are dimmed down, so the moonlight can barely peak in and your bedroom begins to feel a lot smaller. Usually when I go to bed, I have my computer next to me, so I can play some form of music. I have a bunch of play lists and usually drift away into some sleep. However, I have been having a hard time sleeping at night. I usually stay awake passed my play lists (usually full of instrumental from LOST or some random soundtrack) and I lay in the dark. I listen to the silence and I feel the night.
Have you see the movie "Hour of the Wolf" by Ingmar Bergman? It is about the loneliest hour which is between night and dawn (around 3am to 4am). The movie focuses on an individual who deals with his past through nightmares from his past and how it effects him during this "hour of the wolf". Either way, the movie does a good job at describing the loneliness of the night and how people face their thoughts. Sometime I feel like I am in that movie (but not as extreme as the premise of the movie) but instead just aware of the world around me.
One night, God showed up. Now, when I say, "God showed up:. I am not talking about a burning bush, actual hearing a voice or even a physical presence. However, it was more of a fear with a rush of hope and comfort. I think sometimes, in life, we (or I) get so wrapped up in the stories, the problems and distractions, that I forget about God continually being there. It is not until I still in silence, in complete dark, in the hour of wolf, I feel and recognize something stirring. Something is calling me to be alive. Awake to hear a direction. I usually find some peace and then slowly fade into my dreams.
"I have learned how to swim but not to breathe underneath the water."(It Takes Time by Glen Phillips) I feel sometimes my belief is always challenged and continually being awaken in the night by what God wants me to see and direction to face. But as for now, it is just one big puzzle with all of the pieces slowly jumbling into a focused picture.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Podcasts "They Are Available For You"
I am not sure, people are aware that I have been doing podcast (a.k.a like a radio show). Every once in awhile, I will post a podcast (all depending on the new music) and share new music for you to hear or music that I like. It is free and its around 45 minutes each. Anyways, I just released two new ones and I wanted people to know about it. Down below are the links to download them. You can also find them on itunes under "brandon loy", "dcf" or "Not my Brother". Enjoy. feel free to make comments and share if you like the setlist or not.
"My Top Ten Albums"
Download this episode (right click and save)
Podcast 9: 7/2/08
Download this episode (right click and save)