Also here is alittle video i made with most of the images from part 1. I thought the music does a good job at capturing my mood for the day. Enjoy!
Also here is alittle video i made with most of the images from part 1. I thought the music does a good job at capturing my mood for the day. Enjoy!
took a week off and went north for a few days. today claire, my family and i went sled riding. it is funny how about a week ago i was walking about with out any jacket on and also in sandals. Now, I am freezing my butt off and being covered in snow.
we also spend some time in hershey, pa. it also snowed there. not sure, why but my vacation is being surround by snow flakes. i will hopefully post a few more pictures to help you see our weekly adventure here in the north.
today i spent most of the morning working with Cory on the script for my new film which will be released April 21, 2007 at the DCF film festival. I am not going to give you anymore information than the tentative title of the film is, "If Only a Cello". I am still wondering if the title makes me feel good or whatever. Also, I can say that we had a very good meeting this morning and the script is turning out better than I had hoped. We have had a rocky beginning with this film. I started working on the idea for last year's film fest but dropped it when i got the idea for "Timmy Rupert's Last Supper". I am excited to get behind the camera again and share a bit of my creative conscious on the screen.
Also, Since I am having all of this movie talk i figure I would release something a little early. Below here. I put a link for new trailer that will be airing this Sunday (03-04-07)at DCF.
I can also say, that we have signed on most of the actors and picked out a good chuck of the music that we want in the film (however, that always chances with me continually finding new music). I will say that I am more excited to work on this project then I was with "Timmy's Last Supper". A lot of people do not know that it was actually written within days of the film festival and most of the people in the film did not even know who there co-star were. It was a pretty easy progress for the actors but a pain for editing. However, this year. I feel like I have a huge challenge ahead of me and I am eagerly awaiting to get back behind the camera. The information I can give about this new film, is that its a little slow to home with myself. A lot of the story is based off of stories of people and me. I will probably give more updates as time goes on. Also on the side note: Cory and I took some time off from writing today, to scope out some area's to shoot some scene. In the process, we stumbled upon something pretty funny. Cory was so amused that he has to call a friend, to share the brilliance of this sign. I had my camera on me and we thought it would be funny to take a picture. So here is the picture. I hope you all stay well and are having a good weekend.