two parts. lately i feel like i live two different lives. today while i was at work i classified the two different forms of me. 1) Super Hero Loy and 2) I'm possible to forget but hard to remember Loy. You may look at these two categories and think it is a weird or sad mix. However let me explain to you the difference between the two and why I like these that i have defined myself:
1) SUPER HERO LOY: During the day, I work. I spend more of my days with kids who are on the verge of being placed into alternative place. My job is to prevent from occuring. So everyday, I feel like I am some from of super hero. I surprise myself a lot about how i can the stress and the emotional of the job. However, I feel like my friends (while i work are twenty miles northwest) never get to see this overly patient, creative person in action. I feel like this person only comes out at work. At work, I think people project me as the care free guy in the office. Always has his head-phones in and keeps to himself. Rarely goes to the company parties and never express his opinion mainly because he doesn't care to much for the ups and ups. Also, some of the kids that I work with see me as this wicked cool person. It is weird to have so many little kids look up to you and think you are the best thing to sliced cheese. For example today, I was playing freeze tag with one of my kids today at recess. However, by the end of recess i had almost thirty kids wanting to play the game with me. It is strange to feel this way at the age of twenty-five. People actually look at my actions and want to be like that. So I am kind of like SUPERMAN?
2) Impossible to forget but hard to remember Loy: You may ask, why such a harsh title. I mainly say that because that is who i am. I have never been one of those people who has a core group of people and has stay with the group his entire life. Instead, I am the guy who comes and goes. In college, I was known to be the nomad of my friends. They always said that if i wasnt hanging out with them, I would be experienceing an crazy adventure. I like my adventures. But thinking about myself around here in Clemson. I found that I am friends with lots of different circles but never completely fit. For awhile, it bothered me that I was this person. However, now after thinking about it. I like that fact that i am the drift wood and have a history with so many lives. So people know me, but they do not offend embrace who i am. I feel like for awhile i struggled with wanting to be nomadic and also have a stable sense of friends. I have learned also in the past three years the importance of family. Also how much, I enjoy having discussions and banting about our lives. I feel like in the past few years, my family has been getting closer to me. I have found that exciting and i think it is something that happens to families after awhile.
So all in all. I feel like there is more for me to explain but for tonight, this is what i got for you all. Also here is alittle update on me: in the next week i will be heading north with claire to boston. Yay for vacation.
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