I just released a new podcast. It has been about a two months since the last one. Music has been slow. Just as movies, television shows and books, there is seasons with music. July through September is a very dead time for any form of music. It will pick up again and close around the first week of December. Around December time is when all the Christmas albums flood the market. With all of that being said,
I have a new podcast, check it out. It's free and it may introduce you to some new music and refresh your memory on some old stuff. so click the link below:
Listen to this episode
Also, I wanted to share about some albums that are coming out, that I am excited about.
1. Ode to J.Smith- Travis (Nov5, 2008)
2. The Sparrow and the Scarecrow: William Fitzsimmons (Sept 30, 2008)
3. Gossip in the Grain - Ray Lamontagne (Oct 11,2008)
I will post more albums later. Until next time. Enjoy. Also, feel free to tell me what songs you like on the podcast and the ones you don't like.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
9/29/2008: Podcast "Nieghboor-hoods"
Sunday, September 28, 2008
mend the pieces."
this week has been a tough week for me. I recently bought the new William Fitzsimmons album called "The Sparrow and the Scarecrow". When reading the liner notes, he dedicate the album to the "heartbroken and those who's had to break hearts".I find the topic so beautiful to dedicate an entire album too. Cheers to him.
There is a song on the album called, "If you come back home" which just fits my mood today. The lyrics above are from the album and it just fits where I am right now. I want that surgeon to come and fix me.
I have been sad this week. A lot of sad things,

Friday, September 12, 2008
SMA is going Global
You may be wondering what the heck the SMA is. SOCCER MOMS ANONYMOUS!!! and they are going GLOBAL.
I am sitting in a coffeeshop and the SMA walks in. They take over, there little kids run amuck and scream like teenage promo queen in a horror film. One almost comes to my table and takes my coffee. They are grabbing newspapers, misplacing objectcs everywhere, they are scaring costumers out the door. Meanwhile, the SMA enjoys there talkie talkie with one another and share there stories.
Are coffeeshop babysitting trap holes now? Is this what they do, take over a coffeeshop and let the munkins run crazy.
we don't need another one of those!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Because Kate Complained.
When filming, there is always footage that is never scene or takes of screw ups. Every once in awhile I will put it together and show you all. So here is the latest collection from the latest short film "In Love". Enjoy!
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